a [[person]]
[[tools for thinking]]
- #twitter https://twitter.com/gordonbrander
- [[bmann]] introduced me to him.
#go https://gordonbrander.com
- let's make [meaning]]
- [[open ended]] [[tool for thought]]!
- #pull [[subconscious]]
[[tools for thinking]]
Gordon Brander
garden : https://gordonbrander.com/pattern
newsletter : https://subconscious.substack.com/
His garden and newsletter on [[tools for thought]] are great.
His outlook seems very [[IndieWeb]] in spirit. [[tools for conviviality]]. Also [[Conversation theory]], [[Systems thinking]].
- a [[project]].
I certainly like the sound of [[Noosphere]] and [[Subconscious]]. Collective knowledge management that is local-first and with data sovereignty. Discovery, feeds and follows of others is on the way apparently, which would be a great set of features I think.
It sounds kind of like a slicker [[Agora]]. But I don't necessarily use 'slick' as meaning 'better'. I love Agora's ramshackle and homebrew approach.
I haven't come across much from Noosphere that suggests it has any politics of any kind. The beta announcement is signed off with "Let’s 10x humanity’s collective intelligence", which, absent of any political direction, is kind of problematic to me.
Though Gordon does say:
We have planetary challenges ahead: climate change, global pandemics, mass extinctions, increasing geopolitical tension… We need to learn how to think together, with our planet, as a whole planet.
Which is more promising.
- public document at doc.anagora.org/gordon-brander
- video call at meet.jit.si/gordon-brander
2021 04 06
2021 10 31
2021 11 01
2021 12 17
2022 01 19
2022 01 23
2022 04 15
2022 08 16
2022 08 18
2023 09 09
2023 09 17
2023 12 02
2024 02 19
adding a list of nodes in my garden that are well connected
all you need is links
building a second subconscious
compositionality is composability without emergence
my garden circles
notes are conversations across time
the knowledge ecology
tools for thinking
tools for thought the first 300000 years
unconscious r d
well connected
what if links werent meant to be prose