πŸ“š node [[flux garden]]
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β₯… related node [[flux_garden]]
β₯… node [[flux_garden]] pulled by Agora

img { https://flux.garden/static/FluxGardenHero.png } FluxGarden is a proprietary tool for maintaining a [[digital garden]] developed and sold by [[Bill Seitz]].

=> https://flux.garden

You get 2 gardens: 1 private ("inner") and 1 public ("outer"). (Under the same subdomain which you pick, like "alice.flux.garden".) Both spaces give you:

  • the same Markdown format, and double-bracket linking for Backlinks;
  • a nice front-page of most-recently-updated pages, with excerpt;
  • an RSS (Atom) feed.

The software looks great, but requires a subscription:

  • $99/year
  • $15/month

I'm not sure if it has an export function. If it does, I can say you can safely use it. Bill Seitz looks like a chill guy, but you know how it is with commercial centralized services. They all break eventually.

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