📚 node [[alf]]
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⥅ related node [[half earth socialism]]
⥅ related node [[malfatti]]
⥅ related node [[half halt]]
⥅ related node [[2020 07 18_22 02 10_artificialfictionbrain]]
⥅ related node [[a half built garden]]
⥅ related node [[alfred schmidt]]
⥅ related node [[calfw blocks]]
⥅ related node [[calfw]]
⥅ related node [[half earth]]
⥅ related node [[half nelson]]
⥅ related node [[metcalfes law does not apply to commoning]]
⥅ related node [[metcalfes law]]
⥅ related node [[review of half earth socialism]]
⥅ related node [[salford]]
⥅ related node [[trying out calfw blocks]]
⥅ related node [[alfred korzybski]]
📖 stoas
- public document at doc.anagora.org/alf
- video call at meet.jit.si/alf
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