📕 subnode [[@jonathan/dej]] in 📚 node [[dej]]



  • [[2021-05-22]]

    • still want to write NoTSoF

      • make for a pattern language FIRST
    • intention to merge our notes once we've made them

    • for reading group on wednesday wanted to choose patterns

      • use repository
    • TO Dos

      • summary of introduction of Pattern Language
      • start brainstorming list for glossary of terms fo NoTSoF (or more general [[Christopher Alexander]]), write these into the [[Agora]]
    • them telling me some things from their last conversation

      • regarding information and context
        • how to understand what others understand, as regards context
        • how to see if we are on the same page
        • sometimes one spends a lot of time of doing things, but one doesn't realize one is not using the same concepts/ideas for a given term
        • how to determine a minimum set of concepts/tools to check understanding -> a "conceptual context"
        • what can a "minimum denominator" be in understanding that can be a common ground / context
        • how to deal with context question
          • including passing a text, passing materials to share one's own context
          • procedures to assemble a context
          • procedures to check if we have the same context
            • e.g. in the agora, pooling materials around a node
    • building bridges between conventions rather than

    • the exercise we are doing is about assembling different points of view on a single given topic

  • [[2021-04-24]]

    • Topic one: moving/experimenting towards a shared digital garden?
      • D: there are two things to distinguish

        • shared garden for sharing notes
        • discussion/threading/chat space
      • J: let's focus on the shared notes thing first


  • [[2021-04-03]]

  • [[2021-06-03]]

  • [[2021-02-14]]

    • How we relate to [[information]]
    • Thought connection to [[Christopher Alexander]]: systems that allow open-ended organic evolution
    • ample -- seperation/distinction between [[modeling]] and [[coding]]
      • how to get people to communicate what they need
    • m prime
    • protopian themes will always lead to the word "good"
      • thinking of it as a "free variable"

      • ethics as fundmental thing to consider

        • always need to incorporate when we think/speak about how a system "should be"
        • lyotard
      • Daniel's (short-) story:

        • an overall theme to place here at the start: the back and forth interplay between technology and society
        • a short choronology
          • began studying mulimedia engineering, was attracted to playing with tech
          • first study program was a mix of computer science and design, but felt like a frankenstein program
          • he moved to a design university to continue his study path
            • electronic art and digital design
          • got involved in touch-pad table project
          • this lead to being part of starting an UX design studio
          • in context of various projects became more interested the way people were interacting with digital projects/objects rather than on the content of those projects/objects
          • moved more into art
          • art was inspiring him and wanted to also inspire others
          • developed his own form of artistic practice
          • stopped working for brands
          • moved to the woods with a friend (call them X); X has more tech skill than D
          • together they started prototyping
            • D more on the research part
            • X on the tech part
          • D did a bootcamp to learn more of the tech tools
          • bounced back though to thinking more about the tools / human / interaction (??) side
          • trying to find balance
      • D: comment about how

        • artists "can do whatever they want"
          • society "accepts" this
          • D wants to have this freedom; doens't want to be an artist as a "job" or "unique role"
        • use of artistic techniques / practices as a medium
          • doing experiments
            • is "playting", but in the adult context
          • exploring and sharing without restrictions
          • social space of creation
        • E: association with "carneval"
          • Art as a bargain
          • being "decoupled" from society ?
        • E: wants [[revolution]], not carneval
      • D: if he had to use a label (which he doesn't like), it would be that he works with "concepts" ("conceptual artist")

      • using art as a lens, a way of seeing

      • D: many people are asking similar questions to the ones we are asking/discussing

      • E: how to also enable new connection making ?

        • and how can groups have conversations among themselves (between groups)
      • E: info com

      • E: interested in the spectrum between writing with natural languages and programming

      • D: broad current interest: information and the digital context

        • what are structurings of information that make it useful to me and others?
      • E: "[[Context]]" is a key concept

        • key problem in CS and [[information theory]]: the question of "state"
        • a way to think of context:
          • an intersection of [[world model]]s (e.g. between communicating parties), together with
          • [[transformations]] (i.e. ones we do in our minds), such as
            • when translating terms in one's mind when someone else is speaking
            • tracing paths of thinking (??)
            • knowing who one is speaking/listening to and interpreting in this context
        • some things are able to be externalized as technical tools
          • if they are modularizable and can have an "interface" to interact and link up with
        • some things are somehow so entangled and enmeshed that it seems impossible to seperate them out from what happens in the mind and externalize them
📖 stoas
⥱ context