- [[Daniel Armengol Altayó]]
- [[Eduado Ivanec]]
- [[Jonathan the Utopian]]
still want to write NoTSoF
- make for a pattern language FIRST
intention to merge our notes once we've made them
for reading group on wednesday wanted to choose patterns
- use repository
TO Dos
- summary of introduction of Pattern Language
- start brainstorming list for glossary of terms fo NoTSoF (or more general [[Christopher Alexander]]), write these into the [[Agora]]
them telling me some things from their last conversation
regarding information and context
- how to understand what others understand, as regards context
- how to see if we are on the same page
- sometimes one spends a lot of time of doing things, but one doesn't realize one is not using the same concepts/ideas for a given term
- how to determine a minimum set of concepts/tools to check understanding -> a "conceptual context"
- what can a "minimum denominator" be in understanding that can be a common ground / context
how to deal with context question
- including passing a text, passing materials to share one's own context
- procedures to assemble a context
procedures to check if we have the same context
- e.g. in the agora, pooling materials around a node
regarding information and context
building bridges between conventions rather than
the exercise we are doing is about assembling different points of view on a single given topic
Topic one: moving/experimenting towards a shared digital garden?
D: there are two things to distinguish
- shared garden for sharing notes
- discussion/threading/chat space
J: let's focus on the shared notes thing first
twitter but more user controlled ?
the original wiki:
an neat threaded hypertext project:
Topic one: moving/experimenting towards a shared digital garden?
[[Walter Benjamin]]
- The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction
[[Hannah Arendt]]
- Jonathan wants to probably read a bit about her "theory of action"
Copyright, Information laws, authorship, reputations, social capital
memes don't have authorship
why/when is authorship important?
- recognition
D thinks it would be interesting to apply the pattern language paradigm to understanding the nature of information and our interactions with it
Luciana mentioning that information discussion reminded her of Derrida
- maybe intellectual three to Bateson ?
- key term for Derrida 'difference'
E interested in definitions of information, information theory, etc
- relation of information and power
seeing as a state
- seeing people as information about them
Now pages
Idea of having one's own API
Digital gardeners
- Anne le-Cunff
- Telegram chat
- integrating different streams/platforms of information
Indie-web, RSS
Plan files
- .plan format, writing what one is planning to do
- famous programmer (doom, quake engines)
- movie, made with 10'000, indie sci fi
[[Adam Curtis]]
- Can't get you out of my head
Harun Farocki
J's MA project?
- Structuralist vs. 'content/empotional/energetics' vs. UX aspects - maybe they form a trichotemy?
Omega rule
- extension of principle of charity ?
- make effort to interpret what someone else is saying as if it makes complete sense
Question about
- How we relate to [[information]]
- Thought connection to [[Christopher Alexander]]: systems that allow open-ended organic evolution
ample -- seperation/distinction between [[modeling]] and [[coding]]
- how to get people to communicate what they need
- m prime
protopian themes will always lead to the word "good"
thinking of it as a "free variable"
ethics as fundmental thing to consider
- always need to incorporate when we think/speak about how a system "should be"
- lyotard
Daniel's (short-) story:
- an overall theme to place here at the start: the back and forth interplay between technology and society
a short choronology
- began studying mulimedia engineering, was attracted to playing with tech
- first study program was a mix of computer science and design, but felt like a frankenstein program
he moved to a design university to continue his study path
- electronic art and digital design
- got involved in touch-pad table project
- this lead to being part of starting an UX design studio
- in context of various projects became more interested the way people were interacting with digital projects/objects rather than on the content of those projects/objects
- moved more into art
- art was inspiring him and wanted to also inspire others
- developed his own form of artistic practice
- stopped working for brands
- moved to the woods with a friend (call them X); X has more tech skill than D
together they started prototyping
- D more on the research part
- X on the tech part
- D did a bootcamp to learn more of the tech tools
- bounced back though to thinking more about the tools / human / interaction (??) side
- trying to find balance
D: comment about how
artists "can do whatever they want"
- society "accepts" this
- D wants to have this freedom; doens't want to be an artist as a "job" or "unique role"
use of artistic techniques / practices as a medium
doing experiments
- is "playting", but in the adult context
- exploring and sharing without restrictions
- social space of creation
doing experiments
E: association with "carneval"
- Art as a bargain
- being "decoupled" from society ?
- E: wants [[revolution]], not carneval
artists "can do whatever they want"
D: if he had to use a label (which he doesn't like), it would be that he works with "concepts" ("conceptual artist")
using art as a lens, a way of seeing
D: many people are asking similar questions to the ones we are asking/discussing
- how to have these [[conversations]] with groups of people?
E: how to also enable new connection making ?
and how can groups have conversations among themselves (between groups)
- [[liquid democracy]], delegates ?
and how can groups have conversations among themselves (between groups)
E: info com
- [[text adventures]] / [[interactive fiction]]
- [[collaborative writing]]
- [[conversation trees]]
E: interested in the spectrum between writing with natural languages and programming
D: broad current interest: information and the digital context
- what are structurings of information that make it useful to me and others?
E: "[[Context]]" is a key concept
- key problem in CS and [[information theory]]: the question of "state"
a way to think of context:
- an intersection of [[world model]]s (e.g. between communicating parties), together with
[[transformations]] (i.e. ones we do in our minds), such as
- when translating terms in one's mind when someone else is speaking
- tracing paths of thinking (??)
- knowing who one is speaking/listening to and interpreting in this context
some things are able to be externalized as technical tools
- if they are modularizable and can have an "interface" to interact and link up with
- some things are somehow so entangled and enmeshed that it seems impossible to seperate them out from what happens in the mind and externalize them
- public document at
- video call at