πŸ“• subnode [[@flancian/mind palace]] in πŸ“š node [[mind-palace]]

Mind Palace

  • #pull [[method of loci]]
    • I have a mind palace, I guess. It happened organically; it grew from my [[meditation practice]], which at times involves counting and factoring [[numbers]]. The "palace" is thus number-keyed -- but I think of it less as a palace and more as a [[mind garden]].
    • I think I should have a canonical node for all the number-concept (or person, or thing) associations, but I'm not sure what it is currently and I'm writing this in a plane.
    • I have concepts associated up to number 119 as of the time of writing, sparsely -- most are in the first 31, which I also associate with the calendar day and use for planning.
    • #pull [[braids]] might not be a bad place to check out.
πŸ“– stoas
β₯± context