📚 node [[2023 08 09]]
[[Flancia]] :)
- woke up at [[AG]]'s place :)
- met [[BA]] for coffee, lunch and goodbye at the bus stop
- then worked quite a bit
- then had the [[fellowship of the link]] call
- then went home :)
- [[japan]]
#push [[japan trip]]
- [[Asakusa temple]]
- Wednesday, 08/09/23 ** 17:34 I can't afford to 'choose not to' write application code every day. I can't afford to choose not to take photos every day. The only real way to get better at something is to do it every day.
I see this in my software development skills and in my photos. I see this at the gym. I see this when cooking.
Be more and more deliberate about how your day is spent. If you want to learn something, reserve thirty minutes in a day for it. Consider the pomodoro technique, or something like it.
I'm not convinced that it works well for software development - thirty minutes might not be enough time to get the whole problem into your head, let alone start typing - but this is so difficult to guage when starting something new. When adding a hobby, start with one pomodoro - that should be enough.
📖 stoas
- public document at doc.anagora.org/2023-08-09
- video call at meet.jit.si/2023-08-09
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