πŸ“š node [[2023 05 10]]
  • Wednesday, 05/10/2023 ** 21:07 Refactoring to make new features easy to add feels so cool. By reworking abstraction boundaries, you play with interfaces; you introduce new concepts, new users, new features, making language and text and code a streamlined relationship between definitions and the code that works with them. Any form of abstraction creates a domain-specific language; creating the right language allows you to completely reframe a problme in your favor. Today at work I was having trouble with some complex data management and control task - so I changed the interface of the core data type, making it more extensible, and all of the features I wanted fell out automatically from such a beautiful abstraction. Don't let anyone tell you that reactive programming is bad practice - the paradigm is so clearly the right way to make GUI applications. With the right abstractions, you can change upstream functionality and downstream work adapts instantly if you continue to adhere to its interfaces. I can't wait to keep writing beautiful code fast.
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