📚 node [[2023 04 30]]
  • Sunday, 04/30/2023 ** 11:21 Just discovered CSS box-shadow. Wow. I'm hooked. Yesterday I mocked a pocket operator. Today I'm doing a Switch, an OP-1, and a midi fighter - the first two gutted from online and the latter from scratch. Love making these "photorealistic", interactive web demos. NextJS and React really are incredible technologies - I can build so fast. Can't wait to bring this infrastructure to my own /site - where this lives.

Still keeping desktop apps in mind but the hot reload capabilities those systems have vs. the web stack are - frankly - terrible. I love the web workflow and how quick hot reloading can be.

Main goal - learn and make cool things. Auxiliary goals

  • Become very good at making beautiful things fast.
  • Figure out what I want from a software design and development experience. Figure out how I can improve my workflow and bring those ideas into my own infrastructure - web and desktop.
  • Prove that I can make things. Some of my best work is stuck at companies.
  • Instead of writing down and idea and moving on - building the idea and move on with it! ** 11:41 In other news - I love feeling like I have the ability to build anything I want. I can't wait to work up to building bigger and greater things.
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