πŸ“š node [[2022 03 17]]
  • [[2022-03-16]]
    • was a weird day in which I was initially off from work but ended up working, and being happy about it.
    • /shrug
  • [[logseq]]
    • I should learn the absolute basics of querying, like a query to list/transclude all nodes that have NOW, LATER, TODO, DOING, DONE in them.

    • If [[logseq]] could stop forgetting my preferred date format for journals it would be really nice :) I sort of gave up on it for the last few weeks, and anagora.org/journals works with it now, but it still bothers me.

  • #push [[free, fair and alive]]
  • [[agora]]
    • [[agora server]] now properly removes [[logseq]]'s metadata, apologies for the noise up to now.
  • [[random thoughts]] (but perhaps not any more random than a randomly picked thought of mine :))
    • I am now at [[work]] without access to my main garden editor writing this on the basic Github editing UI. It... is not great, but it's also perfectly serviceable. Glad to have the option to edit this anywhere.
      • If Gitea could do editing better than this, perhaps that's a good enough reason to move my primary garden hosting there. Right now I'm only mirroring my Github garden repo to git.anagora.org.
    • [[mood]] pensando en los ojos de [[lady burup]] al acecho.
      • bella manifestaciΓ³n de su foco.

this is a bit more [[design]]-focused than I care for, but explores some about [[animism]] and how we relate to created objects in our life--[[aichaku]], love for what things are, not just what they do. connects with my [[konmari]] theses, a bit.

via [[tiv]]: oh my god there are so many daily podcasts I didn't even know.

Ones I'm thinking about trying:

  • perversely interested in "The Briefing" from monocle
  • today explained: I like some of the [[vox]] writers
  • "the intelligence from the economist": for some reason I thought this had a different name?

Set up another TW for work yesterday so I'll stop using the internal pastebin as my scratchpad and maybe persist things.

Alternative to [[resonate]]: [[jamstash]] lets me use the [[subsonic]] API of the [[nextcloud]] instance in a way that will still [[scrobble]]. Can't rely-rely on it because I never managed to make it work for mobile and such, but it's big progress to be able to [[download]] and scrobble [[mashups]].

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