- [[revolution in the twenty first century]]
wrote more than I coded yesterday :)
- it felt great though
today I coded more than I wrote, I think
- honestly also very nice
- got the [[agora matrix bot]] into a much better shape, can now probably move on to other affairs for a while
[[node club]]
[[agora discuss]]
[[agora matrix bot]]
DONE improve link
--[2022-02-27 Sun 23:00:32] => 07:21:20
DONE set up systemd service
DONE consider rendering as a markdown table instead?
--[2022-03-02 Wed 12:54:20] => 00:00:02
[[agora backups]]
DONE move backup to be full user -- best bang for the buck probably
--[2022-02-27 Sun 23:00:38] => 00:00:02
12G currently
#push [[agora mastodon bot]]
- didn't work for a while
- rate limited somehow?
- LATER need to work on [[catchup]] functionality
- [[twitter]]
- [[protein pudding]]
- [[marie cecilia smith]]
- DONE [[flancia meet]]
#push [[timelines]]
- [[2023]] [[russian revolution]]
- [[2025]] [[flancian revolution]]
- [[2030]] [[international revolution]]
DONE order coffee
--[2022-02-27 Sun 10:57:08] => 00:00:01
migrated [[agora matrix bot]] to a more "prod like" setup, still a [[wip]] but definitely an improvement
thought about [[markdown tables]] :)
[[yoga]] -- it was heavy duty, loved it!
- Compare [[protopia]] and [[emergent revolution]].
website that tells you ho other people also viewing that website are feeling
stolen grocery bag on the t after work (2/23/2022)
guy stood awkwardly pretending to wait for t. sprinted. grabbed a bag of groceries from a young white kif, practically tearing the bag open to wrestle it from his hands. it all happened so fast i don't know what to think. and a bag of groceries isn't resellable or pawnable, doesn't have value. the thief looked on edge, uncomfortable, desperate, and the kid just let it go. this was of desperation.
learning to delegate (conversations with alex wallar, february 7)
assess carefully what time you have, what needs to be maintained consistently, what can be dropped what bandwidth do i have? how can i fill bandwidth of others by delegating to them? what can i delegate to others? how? why? when?
- public document at doc.anagora.org/2022-02-27
- video call at meet.jit.si/2022-02-27
agora backups
agora discuss
agora mastodon bot
agora matrix bot
emergent revolution
flancia meet
flancia revolution
flancian revolution
international revolution
marie cecilia smith
markdown tables
node club
protein pudding
revolution in the twenty first century
russian revolution