📚 node [[2021 07 11]]


  • I feel like I'm on the cusp of something, and I get annoyed when my focus is distracted. Then I realise the distractions are the reason I'm circling this limit in the first place.

Is it really worth crossing the event horizon only to realise that none of your light can return?

  • [[Anarchism]]

  • [[The importance of social media]]

  • [[Anarchist Cybernetics]]

    • [[Wiki]] / [[Digital garden]] adjacent.

      Memory/​narrative. Given the importance of strategy and grand strategy in anarchist cybernetics, functionality in an alternative digital platform to support long-​term planning, for example through facilitating a narrative-​ or memory-​focused layer to communication and organising, would be essential. This would entail a shift away from the short-​term stream-​centred approach of mainstream social media, where users experience content as isolated posts with little relation to what has come before them or what will follow them.

📖 stoas
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