πŸ“š node [[2021 03 07]]


Run your own community search engine.

From the about page:

Lieu is a neighbourhood search engine, a way for personal webrings to increase serendipitous connexions.

The code is open source under the [[AGPL License]] and written in [[GoLang]], available on GitHub cblgh/lieu.

via someone on Mastodon, since I follow a lot of people from the Merveilles server.

[[Digital Favela and High Tech Gothic]] is my short hand for two future states, as described by [[Bruce Sterling]].

I’ll flesh out those notes later [[TO DO]], here’s one transcription of the original talk which is actually labeled Gothic Chic in the Future Favela.

πŸ“– stoas
β₯± context
β₯… related node [[2021 03 07 back to indiekit]]
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β₯… related node [[20210307153455 programming]]
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β₯… related node [[20210310212707 general_law_of_capitalist_accumulation]]
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