📚 node [[xo tal]]

xo.tal is an implementation of tic-tac-toe. This project is part of [[uxnerie]].

=> https://git.sr.ht/~bouncepaw/uxnerie/tree/master/item/xo.tal | Game source code

= Gameplay img grid { ./during game { This is how it looks during the game } ./tie { When no one wins (a tie), a sad face is shown } }

= Controls

  • Arrows move the cursor.
  • The controller's A button or the Space key places a figure (x or o).
  • Once the game is over, press anything to restart.

= Development history I conducted almost all of development during live streams. See the notes about [[Summer stream 2022]]. Overall, it took me around 8 hours to make this very simple game. During these hours, I learned a lot about [[uxn]].

2023-06-27 I ran it on Nintendo 3DS:

=> https://merveilles.town/@bouncepaw/110616375201288362 | Photo and story

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⥅ related node [[nixos_installation]]