Graceful Expansion
Graceful: showing grace or elegance. Usage peaked in 1850 and has dropped markedly since
noun noun: grace; noun: grace period; plural noun: grace periods; noun: His Grace; noun: Her Grace; noun: Your Grace; plural proper noun: Graces; plural noun: the Graces; plural proper noun: Three Graces
smoothness and elegance of movement. "she moved through the water with effortless grace" Similar: elegance stylishness poise finesse charm gracefulness dexterity adroitness deftness fluidity of movement fluency flow suppleness smoothness ease effortlessness naturalness neatness precision agility nimbleness light-footedness poetry in motion flowingness lightsomeness Opposite: stiffness inelegance
courteous good will. "he had the good grace to apologize to her afterwards" Similar: courtesy courteousness politeness manners good manners mannerliness civility decorum decency propriety breeding respect respectfulness consideration thought thoughtfulness tact tactfulness diplomacy etiquette couth Opposite: effrontery an attractively polite manner of behaving. plural noun: graces "she has all the social graces"
(in Christian belief) the free and unmerited favour of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings. a divinely given talent or blessing. plural noun: graces "the scheme has proved to be a great grace for the Church"
a period officially allowed for payment of a sum due or for compliance with a law or condition, especially an extended period granted as a special favour. "we'll give them 30 days' grace and then we'll be doing checks" Similar: deferment deferral postponement suspension putting off/back adjournment delay shelving rescheduling interruption arrest pause respite stay moratorium reprieve tabling continuation put-off
a short prayer of thanks said before or after a meal. Similar: prayer of thanks thanksgiving blessing benediction
used as forms of description or address for a duke, duchess, or archbishop. "His Grace, the Duke of Atholl"
The Three Graces. [ source]
(in Greek mythology) three beautiful goddesses (Aglaia, Thalia, and Euphrosyne) believed to personify and bestow charm, grace, and beauty.
I have just realised that I am connected to the 3 Graces via Woburn Abbey and the National Gallery.
One of the three graces = Aglaea was the daughter of Zeus and Eunomia - Goddess of Law...surprising!!
Expansion: becoming larger or more extensive, augmenting, amplifying, growing
How? Linear, Quadratic, Exponential....see [[Power of Exponential]]
ME: Structure of expansion is a reinforcing loop. It can be vicious or virtuous.
ME: Grace means thanks in french. "ion" at the end of a word means the word is of french origin.
Nothing grows forever. Depletion of resources. The impact of time.
We expand/grow things that should not be expanded and avoid others that should be. Eg consuming fossil fuels vs Love.
Law/Government/School Rules
Law is a system of rules.
Rules bring order to systems they are the constraining or balancing loops.
Relationship to ethics.
Human laws can be broken, naturel laws cannot.
It derives from french.
It is about control and regulation.
See [[How Government is rigged]]
We only need laws and rules when we can't trust each other. See [[Tragedy and Trust]].
Marc's stuff on requisite variety and neighborhoods.
Mick Ashby's stuff on ethical regulators.
Systems, Horses, France/UK
Systems with graceful expansion - see above Systems with Law etc - Mick Ashby's extension of the VSM to ethics. Local devolved governance to communities (aka Marc model). Bob's HoloMat of Ethilogues (based on work of JDG.)
Horses with graceful expansion - the concept of collection to create truly graceful expansion of paces, the way the horse expands himself (goes into seeking reflexes). Horses and Law etc - Horse society is matriarchal. The horse and rider system is "governed" by the rider with as light a touch as possible. She makes herself easy to carry.
France/UK with graceful expansion - opposite Brexit
France/UK with Laws etc - Republic vs Monarchy
Maybe consider adding a poetry lens given a meaning of grace is "poetry in motion"?
Dennis Sherwood showed up last night and reminded me of this. [ source]
Could use a table with base and scrambler and base+scrambler across the top and what I am calling lenses down the side (so here = Systems, Horses, France/UK). The intersections would hold the "co-incidences" and the bottom right cell the total of all co-incidences.
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