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The Political Economy of Solarpunk (with Andrew Dana Hudson)
A : [[podcast]]
URL : https://thefirethisti.me/2021/11/17/94-the-political-economy-of-solarpunk-with-andrew-dana-hudson/
Part of : [[The Fire These Times]]
Featuring : [[Andrew Dana Hudson]] / [[Joey Ayoub]]
The [[Political economy]] of [[Solarpunk]].
- [[Cyberpunk was about technologies that abstract human relationships with the world]]
- [[Solarpunk is about technologies that de-abstract human relationships with the material world]]
- [[Cyberpunk's anxieties are urban decay, corporate power and globalisation]]
- [[Solarpunk's anxieties are global social injustice, the failures of late capitalism, and the climate crisis]]
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2022 01 08
solarpunk is about technologies that de abstract human relationships with the material world
2022 01 08
solarpunk is about technologies that de abstract human relationships with the material world
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