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thought experiment: you move away from the clock with the speed of light – you see the same image on the clock (but you are still aging) [[grtheory]]

Egan time dimensions

If you like hard sci-fi, Greg Egan has a written a few books that cover what life would be like if there were 2 dimensions of time (http://www.gregegan.net/DICHRONAUTS/DICHRONAUTS.html) or if the dimension of time was sumed instead of subtracted when measuring distance (http://www.gregegan.net/ORTHOGONAL/ORTHOGONAL.html)
It's amazing to think how the universe is ruled by such minute details.

PAC learning [[ml]]

Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) learning model
from Scott Aaronson on Philosophical Progress - Machine Intelligence Research Institute https://intelligence.org/2013/12/13/aaronson/

[2019-07-22] An important innovation of the PAC framework is the introduction of complexity theory concepts to ML

[2019-03-27] Лингвопанк on Twitter: "Фонетическая карта человеческого рта. Для каждого звука дан его источник (для большинства — положение языка) запись IPA и английское слово, где он звучит. https://t.co/7msjnHxPHi https://t.co/wqsiAAvVkU" / Twitter

<https://twitter.com/linguopunk_ru/status/1110814030703271936 >

learn IPA [[english]]



read https://lwn.net/ [[study]]

[2019-02-09] topos http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/topos.html

how to implement DNS? [[tostudy]]

Learn to buy gifts [[tostudy]]

reverse eng for beginners https://beginners.re/ [[ctf]] [[read]]

📖 stoas
⥱ context