📚 node [[stance]]
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⥅ related node [[2004 07 06 bell does 5 for 1000 long distance minutes]]
⥅ related node [[2017 04 09 run your own mastodon instance]]
⥅ related node [[agora instances]]
⥅ related node [[choosing a mastodon instance]]
⥅ related node [[default instance]]
⥅ related node [[instance]]
⥅ related node [[jitsi instances]]
⥅ related node [[levenshtein distance]]
⥅ related node [[mastodon instance]]
⥅ related node [[mastodon instances]]
⥅ related node [[operation unified assistance]]
⥅ related node [[relax instance registration]]
⥅ related node [[social coop second instance]]
⥅ related node [[logics of resistance]]
⥅ related node [[mode of resistance]]
⥅ related node [[resistance movements must also build alternatives]]
⥅ related node [[resistance to amazons headquarters in cape town]]
⥅ related node [[resistance to free basics in india]]
⥅ related node [[resistance]]
⥅ related node [[self governance is a mode of resistance]]
⥅ related node [[social distance]]
📖 stoas
- public document at doc.anagora.org/stance
- video call at meet.jit.si/stance
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