📚 node [[stalking]]
  • Principles of stalking collapsed:: true

    collapsed:: true
    1. [[Slow]] yourself down.
    2. Shorten [[stride]].
      - -fox walk- a quarter of normal speed. Half the stride. 
        -land with outside edge of the foot softly, decide if you want to step where you're landing, when you decide 'yes', then finish your step.
        -when your [[feet]] are feeling the ground in this way, this frees your eyes to look around
        -a stalking [[step]] is about a minute per step
        -due to this speed, you need to stalk to where the animal will be, not where it is now
        -lower head in a semi-crouch to break silhouette for prey animals
        -how high you lift your leg is dependent on what you're stepping across
        -your [[feet]] are groundward antenna
  • [[Camouflage]] collapsed:: true
    • Charcoal [[Mud]] Clay Loam Soil Wood [[ash]]
    • First apply dry wood ash to dull the skin. Wet wood ash has [[lye]], which would give a chemical burn.
    • Mixing colors and pigments with rendered [[fat]] will ensure the camo stays on for long periods of time.
📖 stoas
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