📚 node [[right speech]]
Right Speech
I try to practice [[right speech]] in [[Buddhist]] terms...
- Or otherwise :)
- #pull [[eightfold path]] [[three gates of speech]]
- #pull Third aspect of the [[eightfold path]].
- #pull The [[three gates of speech]] might be useful.
pushed from garden/flancian/a cheatsheet on discourse.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[right speech]] [[principle of charity]] [[steelpersoning]]
- [[go]] https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/discourse.html
[[quote]] The three gates of speech: Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates.
- At the [[first gate]], ask yourself, is it [[true]].
- At the [[second gate]] ask, is it [[necessary]].
- At the [[third gate]] ask, is it [[kind]].
⥅ node [[eightfold-path]] pulled by user
⥅ node [[three-gates-of-speech]] pulled by user
📖 stoas
- public document at doc.anagora.org/right-speech
- video call at meet.jit.si/right-speech
⥱ context
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