📚 node [[python_is_good]]

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[2019-07-21] hacked seaborn to display vs on pairplots

used inspect to extract directly from local variables, lol

why python is good: patching seaborn bootstrap

I've had nondeterministic behaviour due to random seed
was not propagated, but with a patch it's possible to achieve


# TODO careful.. need to do this ONCE
bootstrap_orig = sns.algorithms.bootstrap
def bootstrap_hacked(*args, **kwargs):
    return bootstrap_orig(*args, random_seed=0, **kwargs)
sns.algorithms.bootstrap = bootstrap_hacked


hacking logging.Logger to do basicConfig

    format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
    datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

However if you are a well-mannered person, you don't want to mess with other loggers and you're probably providing your own logger method

This is a bit horrible

For my personal projects I'm using logzero which has got a single line setup method. However, for code I'm sharing with other people I prefer to have as little external dependencies as you can

e.g. libraries should never configure logging

[2019-09-17] could publish in r/python?

[2019-09-17] sometimes it makes sense for your library to configure other loggers (e.g. requests)

why generators are good: fbchat export example

separating network retrieval and storing in database. with generators can do it simultaneously

another example of cool generator use in fbchat

mts = int(r.timestamp)
if newest is not None and oldest is not None and newest > mts > oldest:
    logger.info('Fetched everything for %s', thread.name)
    break # interrupt, thus interrupting fetching data
db.insert_message(thread, r)

example of hacky setuplogger

hacky 'autonaming'

import ast
import traceback
import inspect

src = ast.parse(open(__file__).read())

def find_name(lno: int):
    # TODO end_lineno is not set??
    node = None
    for x in src.body:
        if x.lineno >= lno:
        node = x
    [tg] = node.targets
    return tg.id

class Namer:
    def auto(self) -> str:
        stack = inspect.stack()
        fr = stack[1]
        lno = fr.lineno
        return find_name(lno)

N = Namer()

aaaa = (
bbbb = (


why mypy is good: injector DI library [[toblog]] [[mypy]]

Why python is good [[toblog]]

generators, decorators and random dynamic things with examples

Literal types and demonstrate mypy? Perhaps timezones as example? [[toblog]] [[mypy]] [[configs]]

By highlighting this i will know what patterns to look for in other languages [[toblog]]

📖 stoas
⥱ context