[ An introduction to systems thinking from a system dynamics perspective]
Suggested Papers
Forrester, J. W. (1971). [ Counterintuitive behavior of social systems].
Barry Richmond [ Thinking in Systems]
Senge, P (1990) [ The Leaders New Work: Building Learning Organizations]
Useful Sites
[ Resources for systems dynamics and systems thinking]
Web based courses
[ MIT Sloan Roadmaps self study System Dynamics course]
[ Waters Foundation Webed course for educators]
[ A short interactive course designed for teachers] (you will need to create a free account or log on with facebook or google)
[ Gene Bellinger Accredited Systems Thinking course]
Meadows, D H.(2008). Thinking in Systems: Chelsea Green Publishing, Hertford (VT)
Richmond, B (1992). Introduction to Systems Thinking: STELLA: High Performance Systems Inc, Lebanon (NH)
Senge, P M. (1990). The Fifth Discipline: Doubleday, New York
Sherwood, D. (2002). Seeing the Forest for the Trees (A Managers Guide to applying Systems Thinking): Nicolas Brealey Publishing, London
Vensim Download a free public learning edition of Vensim [ here]
[ STELLA system dynamics software]
[ Kumu and Insight Maker]
[ Powersim]
[ Free Powersim e-book]
[ Silico online modelling tool]
[ AnyLogic free online simulation environment].
[ CLE Splash]
[ Loopy]
[ Simulating Networks]
Systems Thinking/System Dynamics in education:
[ Waters Center for Systems Thinking]
[ Creative Learning Exchange]
Linda Booth Sweeney writes some great books for children and teachers on systems thinking. [ Linda's site].
[ Nicky Case]
[ Institute of Play Systems Thinking Design Pack]
[ Cartoon guide to system dynamics]
[ CLE Videos]
- public document at
- video call at