Gemtext is the default markup language of [[Gemini]], but it can be used anywhere. The main design principle of Gemtext is to be easily parsed line-by-line.
=> | Official introduction to Gemtext => | And a cheatsheet
= All of Gemtext Headings look like this:
# Level 1
## Level 2
### Level 3
Lists looks like this:
* Item a
* Item b
Quotes look like this:
> First quote
> Second quote
Gemtext introduced rocket links to the markup sphere:
=> target text
Preformatted blocks are toggled with lines beginning with triple backticks \
All other lines are simple paragraphs.
You can't nest anything. There is no inline formatting, including inline links. Spaces after the marker are optional.
Gemtext //is// limited. Expressiveness is really limited. But it is simple!
= Relation to other markups Gemtext is inspired by [[Markdown]]. You can feel it in the headings and code blocks for sure. Other elements are taken from there too, but they are present in other places as well.
Only rocket links are invented by Gemtext. It is unclear who started calling such links rocket links. Perhaps, it was me. Probably, it was me. => cw>RocketLink
It is one of the few languages, that are easily parsed both by machines and humans, with the other one being [[Mycomarkup]]. Actually, Mycomarkup is a direct descendant of Gemtext. Older versions of [[Mycorrhiza]] used Gemtext, but then it was extended to the modern markup.
- a [[project]].
HTTP is a bloated protocol.
Any visit to the website of a large company will tell you this. Significant sizes of applications (often over 5 megabytes!), load times, and the constant reminder to consent to cookies are all emblematic of what our internet has become – a service hostile to its users for the sake of profit. Practically every website you visit tracks your information to collect both analytics and personal data, assembling a profile of you that can be sold to advertisers, government agencies and whoever else wants a cut of your data.
Gemini is a new protocol for browsing the internet founded by solderpunk. it's designed only to serve data, and intends to foster a friendlier internet – one in which arbitrary information can't be passed from consumer to producer no matter what the motivation.
Gemini can be thought of as the HTTPS equivalent of Gopher: all traffic is secured and encrypted.
Put this wiki on Gemini soon.
Gemini Diagnostics
A 'torture test' for Gemini servers.
A Gemini server in Rust.
A Gemini framework in Go.
gemini server in C
A GTK-based browser for Gopher and Gemini.
A Rust-based Gemini client.
- A list of Gemini clients.
- A list of all currently known Gemini software.
- Flounder, a Gemini/HTTPS host for simple sites.
- mbrubeck/agate: Very simple server for the Gemini hypertext protocol
The Tildeverse on Gemini. A Tilde blog. A Gemini search engine. Locate the YouTube layer! A neat Gemini blog. Gemini best practices
Why Gemini? distribution of arbitrary files; has special consideration for serving lightweight format that allows linking between files! maintained by middle child: minimalist proof of concept designed for simplicity, basic client creation and usability privacy! the internet is not a safe place for plaintext. generality!
tls ? gopher can be written from scratch! but gopher still depends on ip stack, dns resolver and filesystem. using tls for cryptography is necessary. tls limits access to more modern machines, but it makes no sense to sacrifice all privacy protections to accomodate them.
Gemini is a net protocol I quite like. The default markup language for Gemini is [[Gemtext]].
Gemini is not [[Gopher]].
I have quite a collection of Gemini-related links in one more place, this notice stays here until I move notes from there here. UPD. They shall go to [[links>]] of course.
= Tools => => => => ... and many more, not gonna collect them all.
I use Lagrange on both computer and phone, because it is simply the best to use.
= Links => | Terminal boredom, or how to go on with life when less is indeed less The author graciously destroys Gemini. Ever find yourself loving Gemini? Don't forget to read this!
=> gemini:// | Browsing Gemini Offline Автор рассказывает, как он браузит геминисферу в оффлайне при помощи клиента AV-98 и его функции «тура». Прикольно.
=> gemini:// | читаем RSS через Gemini
я привык получать новости посредством rss/atom, используя для этого прекраснейший консольный инструмент под названием newsboat - он гибко настраивается, позволяя назначать обработчики для типов файлов и различный ссылок, например, и давно и прочно занял своё место в моём сердце и моей повседневной активности.
=> gemini:// | Rant: Gemini is not Gemini Автор оправдывается перед двумя постами ([[два]] и [[раз]]) за Гемини. Получается неубедительно.
=> | My Local Branch of AV-98 Бьёрн на полном серьёзе пользуется AV-98 и даже написал для него пачч. Очень мило.
=> Ещё один гайд про то, как вкатиться в гемини на данном конкретном ресурсе.
=> gemini:// отелло в гемини!
=> gemini://
обзоры клиентов!
=> gemini://
=> gemini:// Хороший бложек и сервисы интересные
A command-line and offline-first smolnet browser/feed reader for Gemini, Gopher, Spartan and Web by Ploum.
The goal of Offpunk is to be able to synchronise your content once (a day, a week, a month) and then browse/organise it while staying disconnected.
=> | There Is No Content on Gemini
That’s exactly the plan. Gemini’s lack of content is not a bug, it’s a feature.
=> | The Gemini Network is Great, but It is Still Something of a Tech Geek Playground Cheapskate couldn't figure out how to set up a Gemini server.
A cool project somewhere between gopher and the modern web. I've mostly seen it used for blogs and other such publication type stuff
[[gemini protocol]]
- public document at
- video call at