📚 node [[2021 12 01]]
- backnoded [[2021-11-30]].
- [[silicon jungle]] forwarded [[spaces]], looks interesting
- fixed a bunch of bugs with [[agora search]], now it's more dependable in that it will try not to lose information from the user query. this way you can more reliably click through to Google/DuckDuckGo to search on.
testing composite go links with multiple words
- [[foo bar]]
- met [[steven fan]]!
- [[foam graph]]
- [[mapping the fediverse]]
Reading: [[How to help GNU Emacs maintainers?]]
- Nice article/video from [[Bastien Guerry]] on [[free software project management]]. Up with [[Asynchronous Collective Distributed Care]], down with [[Benevolent Dictator For Life]].
[[Clojure for the Brave and True]] looks fun.
[[Choose Commons-Friendly Financing]]
- [[Mutual credit]]
- [[crowdfunding]] / [[Goteo]]
- [[local currency]] / [[Sarafu-Credit]]
Listening: [[Caroline Shenaz Hossein on 'Black Banker Ladies' and the Social Economy]]
📖 stoas
- public document at doc.anagora.org/2021-12-01
- video call at meet.jit.si/2021-12-01
⥱ context
↑ pushing here
↓ pulling this
→ forward
2021 11 30
agora search
asynchronous collective distributed care
bastien guerry
benevolent dictator for life
caroline shenaz hossein on black banker ladies and the social economy
choose commons friendly financing
clojure for the brave and true
foam graph
foo bar
free software project management
how to help gnu emacs maintainers?
local currency
mapping the fediverse
mutual credit
sarafu credit
silicon jungle
society for the protection of underground networks
steven fan
2021 11 30
agora search
asynchronous collective distributed care
bastien guerry
benevolent dictator for life
caroline shenaz hossein on black banker ladies and the social economy
choose commons friendly financing
clojure for the brave and true
foam graph
foo bar
free software project management
how to help gnu emacs maintainers?
local currency
mapping the fediverse
mutual credit
sarafu credit
silicon jungle
society for the protection of underground networks
steven fan
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🔎 full text search for '2021 12 01'