📚 node [[2021 04 10]]

Woke up early today. I have an interview with a new [[communal house]] today

messed around with [[elasticsearch]] to try and get notes into a database, it decided to eat all my available ram and freeze my computer. yay.

I really like the free form flow of the [[daily note]] since the topic is literally just what day I'm on, everything is relevant, by definition


  • I've enjoyed a few of the articles on [[Mutual Interest Media]], and like what they're trying to do. So I've joined them as a member.
  • Improved links output in [[ox-agora]]. It works now so that if the links have a description in org-mode, this description will be preserved correctly in markdown syntax.
  • I had a quick try at loading the output of [[ox-agora]] in [[Foam]] and in [[Obsidian]]. It doesn't work fully in either. Obsidian because it seems to expect filenames to match wikilinks - spaces in the wikilinks should be spaces in the filename. Foam because of the opposite - it seems to expect dashes in the filename, and thus dashes in the wikilinks. Given that some Agorans are using Foam, I wonder how they are getting that to work.
  • Jotted a bit more down on [[Reweirding the web]], came across an article called [[Rewilding the web]] :D

22:12 theory on distraction

this email was sent on march 2nd, but i've just found it now: the more you can focus, the best you can get into deep work

but if you are not able to get into deep work, there is likely some distraction

  • physical distraction. your environment is physically cluttered and has more visual interest. this prevents tou from concentrating on the task at hand and influences you to interact with other things
  • temporal potential distraction. this occurs when you are placed on a time scale other than your own. if you know you have a looming deadline, you hesitate to begin or progress with a specific task because the initial investment may not be worth the time spent on the task.
  • brain distraction. these are lingering thoughts, ideas and opportunities that distract from your current task. avoid these

always multitask - multitasking is good - but never in multiple ways. separate physical activity from mental. go on walks or runs with big questions in your head to come back with answers or progress. watch tv while doing pushups or situps. often abusing the distraction of a mental activity allows you to better perform the physical activity, and does not drain you nearly as much - though it certainly costs you some productivity in terms of physical fitness it will be net productive later, i think

📖 stoas
⥱ context
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