📚 node [[2021 03 30]]

Many are more familiar with the Chrome DevTools console than they are with a Unix command-line prompt. More familiar with WebSockets than BSD sockets, MDN than man pages. Bash and Zsh scripts calling into native code will never go away. But JavaScript and TypeScript scripts calling into WebAssembly code will be increasingly common. Many developers, we think, prefer web-first abstraction layers.

Announcing the Deno Company

The people behind the [[Deno]] programming language announce a commercial company with venture investment.

Not pursuing [[Open core]], full [[MIT License]] for the language.

People noticed the [[NodeJS]] bashing going on.

Also Deno Deploy:

Deno Deploy is a distributed system that runs JavaScript, TypeScript, and WebAssembly at the edge, worldwide. The service deeply integrates the V8 JavaScript runtime with a high performance asynchronous web server to provide optimal performance without unnecessary intermediate abstractions.

📖 stoas
⥱ context
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