tags :: role of government
When it comes to the state, representation seems to be a persistent problem. In the United States the fact that many national and state-level politicians are white men is a persistent issue.
Also in the US, there is also the question of land representation. The [[file:20210330201741-electoral_college.org][Electoral College]] was set up to make it so that mostly agrarian economies were just as powerful in government as non-agrarian economies (and subsequently to maintain the institution of slavery.
Within the SPDthere were kind of similar issues, where mostly industrial working class people were represented within the party. This minority faction was able to put forward the peasant questionto the national party.
These issues bring up some serious questions:
Should politics simply be majoritarian or should minority interests be just as represented?
If politics shouldn't just be majoritarian, how do you effectively handle representation of minorities with as much weight as the majority?
- public document at doc.anagora.org/20210330201448-problem_of_representation
- video call at meet.jit.si/20210330201448-problem_of_representation