📚 node [[2020 09 24]]
September 24th, 2020
- Had a great DM conversation with [[seconds_0]].
- Did 1 like = 1 thought about the Agora and it did well: https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1309088913194188801
- Started reading https://www.rationality.org/resources/updates/2016/double-crux as per the above [[rationality]] [[double crux]] [[dyokomizo]]
- [[Quick Capture]]
Interview with Gaël Duval
Check out our interview with Gaël Duval (@gael@mastodon.social) of e foundation! On the e alternative OS, de-googling your phone, data privacy, and software obsolescence.
📖 stoas
- public document at doc.anagora.org/2020-09-24
- video call at meet.jit.si/2020-09-24
⥱ context
↑ pushing here
↓ pulling this
⥅ related node [[2020 09 24 journal]]
⥅ related node [[20200706092404 rudolf_hilferding]]
⥅ related node [[20200706092416 social_democracy]]
⥅ related node [[20200706092434 monopoly_capital]]
⥅ related node [[20200709233224 c_programming_language]]
⥅ related node [[20200809200624 principles_of_communism]]
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