📚 node [[2020 09 24]]

September 24th, 2020


Interview with Gaël Duval

Check out our interview with Gaël Duval (@gael@mastodon.social) of e foundation! On the e alternative OS, de-googling your phone, data privacy, and software obsolescence.


📖 stoas
⥱ context
⥅ related node [[2020 09 24 journal]]
⥅ related node [[20200706092404 rudolf_hilferding]]
⥅ related node [[20200706092416 social_democracy]]
⥅ related node [[20200706092434 monopoly_capital]]
⥅ related node [[20200709233224 c_programming_language]]
⥅ related node [[20200809200624 principles_of_communism]]