Wiki linking automatic back linking
Readwise Universal glue edge Most used app
saviour became the destroyer structured form of lying do not trust anytbody with a byusiness plan Some of - seek a quite spafe to listen to
listening to thw wind and the trees
park and the shopping mall
vision is wanted to make something that is federated and yet recognizably a Wikismall site that do not get ravaged
profligate copying
understanding other ideas and making them your own chorus of voices
park capability
chorus of voices Somehow comes together improvisational that's what we seek
I got a page on that
Reppropriating appropriation: making something your own, making it appropriate to your contexts.
put your own spice on them
shaping the white space around ideas free space having a place to create in their mind different from
doing something new collaboratively
plain text and hyperlinks
Lean into the more complcated things
knowledge graphs
Share your setup
Alex Enkerli
Collecto Services regroupes en education
ยท 3 mins ago
Reppropriating appropriation: making something your own, making it appropriate to your contexts.
Norman Chella
ยท 3 mins ago
What up Joel :)
Alex Enkerli
Collecto Services regroupes en education
ยท 2 mins ago
Lots of riffing and jamming when you don't think about a simple goal.
Ophir Lifshitz
ยท just now
Perhaps github may not the best example of "the one correct way" as forking is still highly significant, though it is more centralized than others
Norman Chella
ยท just now
Would love to see that whitespace/freespace articulated further in multiple contexts (beyond prose, music, etc.). Is it the universal term I wonder (I think of it as the greyzone where all forms of synthesis/creativity is permitted)
Robot critique
Annotated intention
Daniel Doyon
Few had ways to go back to what they Readwise
Web app and mobile app high signak high quality
going back and revisit writing prompt stated with Amazon kindle
long tail of reading apps cadre
being th eplace to get all your annoitation in one place What Roam is
Get those highlights into Roam
Tiny Zapier for reading apps
Personal computer better than anything
Software eating the practice of writing not reading
devices tablets smartphones
analogue of the word processor for reading
People whoare rading with a purpose
#Bastien Guerry
Socrates criticism
easily blend into online conversation
guided by users
Knowledge graph
resource explicitly about something
just a note taking in diverse tools
Social net
Not a market but a common
Right time for solutions that keep us away from centralized systems
the cost low
free and open source
common building blocks
primitives, means of combinations, means of abstractions
Social Networks
basic concepts could reach consensus on a social level
workflows change over time companions change
difficult to makeinter operability
Interoperability is a UX problem
what are the workflows
Creator workflows
How cna memex integration importing of HTML files copy paster
read appropriate
more interoperable without standards
import export
enourmous advantage in Interoperability
Highly fragmented yet interwoven
Small feature request
moveing from the edge
edge _ map
note taking is entry showFilePathConfirmInputBox
Coordination Paralisis
collective intelligence
extrafting tacit knowledgedirectly channelling that into the political arena
Acyuire by AOL
Build better sense making systems
Fly wheels
third of users discounted
early stages
many to many communicaonth ypermedia tools How dow we internally use the tools to think better togetherdozen peop
leon 6 continents
Better than prose remixable reusable robust collaborativelyserendipituous collaboration
Can we figure out efficiently allocatie attention
Highly levereaged contribution
Junyu Zahn
Q & A
25 years Question
Gyuri Lajos
TrailMarks Ltd
The Web was not a product Ward's Wiki was not a product to make money with but because of it
work in the Wiki do not call it a DSL
Bootstrapping problem
- public document at doc.anagora.org/iannotate2021tuesday
- video call at meet.jit.si/iannotate2021tuesday