📚 node [[faq s for cld s]]
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⥅ related node [[faqs for clds]]
⥅ node [[faqs-for-clds]] pulled by Agora

Bigger questions about the system of focus:

  • How will we know this system is working well? What will be different?
  • What will help this system to work well? What will help this system to flourish? What do we need to get right?
  • What will hinder this system working well? What could get in the way?
  • Who are the stakeholders? What do they want from this system? What does this system need from them to be successful?
  • Now write the story of your system/ business/ venture

Questions to extend a CLD:

  • What else affects variable X? What makes it go up? What makes it go down? How?
  • What else does variable Y affect? How?
  • Does an increase in variable X make variable Y go up or down? (If up relationship is "S", if down relationship is "O".)
  • Can we close any loops? ie are there relationships between existing variables that are missing?
  • Can you think of any existing virtuous or vicious cycles in this system?
  • Can you think of any corrective/balancing loops in this system?

Questions to verify a CLD:

  • Cul de sacs (Variables affecting nothing else in the diagram): What do they affect (either existing or new variables?) How?  
  • Dangles (Variables with nothing affecting them in the diagram) What affects them (either existing or new variables?) How? 
  • Disconnected (Variables with no connections to other variables) What do they affect? What affects them?  
  • Are the variables capable of variation? Is the wording specific enough?
  • Do the relationships make sense?
  • Does the conversion to english make sense? Can you tell the story of the diagram?

Questions to help design an intervention:

  • What variables can we influence in this diagram?
  • How can we influence them?
  • What are the true root causes of the issue? What can we do about those?
  • Who needs to be involved in making this happen?
  • What will be the impact (positives and negatives)?
  • Who will be impacted? How?
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