ο»Ώ# Bites and stings quick guide
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For any snake bite (including sea snakes), funnel-web spider and mouse spider bites, blue-ringed octopus bite, cone shell sting See the Snake bite fact sheet. Pressure bandaging and immobilisation 1 If the bite or sting is on a limb, apply a broad pressure bandage (crepe preferred) over the bite site. 2 Apply a firm heavy crepe or elasticised roller bandage (10β15 centimetres wide) starting just above the fingers or toes, and moving upwards on the bitten limb as far as can be reached. 3 Apply the bandage as tightly as possible to the limb. 4 Immobilise the bandaged limb using splints. 5 Seek medical aid.
For box jellyfish; Irukandji, Vinegar
morbakka and jimble
jellyfish, or other tropical 1 Immediately flood the entire stung area with lots of vinegar for
jellyfish sting at least 30 seconds. DO NOT use fresh water. 2 If pain relief is required, apply a cold pack only after vinegar has been applied. 3 Urgently seek medical aid at a hospital if symptoms are severe.
For bluebottle and other Hot water
nontropical jellyfish stings;
stinging fish (eg stonefish, 1 Check the water to ensure it is as hot as you can comfortably
lionfish, bullrout); stingray, tolerate before treating the patient.
crown-of-thorns starfish, sea 2 Place the stung area in hot water for 20 minutesβhelp patient
urchin under a hot shower, place a stung hand or foot in hot water, or
DO NOT use on suspected pour hot water over the stung area. Do not burn the patient.
box jellyfish or Irukandji 3 Remove briefly before reimmersing.
stings. 4 Continue this cycle if pain persists. 5 Urgently seek medical aid at a hospital if symptoms are severe.
For red-back spider or other Cold pack
spider bite; bee, wasp or
ant sting; tick bite; scorpion 1 Apply a cold pack to the bitten or stung area for 15 minutes
or centipede sting; jellyfish and reapply if pain continues.
sting 2 The cold pack should be changed when necessary to maintain the same level of coldness. 3 See medical aid if the pain worsens.
- public document at doc.anagora.org/english_bites_and_stings
- video call at meet.jit.si/english_bites_and_stings