- "one of the basic pratices of [[Situationism]]"
DĂ©rives involve playful-constructive behavior and awareness of [[psychogeographical]] effects, and are thus quite different from the classic notions of journey or stroll.
â [[Theory of the DĂ©rive]]
In a dérive one or more persons during a certain period drop their relations, their work and leisure activities, and all their other usual motives for movement and action, and let themselves be drawn by the attractions of the terrain and the encounters they find there.
â [[Theory of the DĂ©rive]]
Chance is a less important factor in this activity than one might think: from a dérive point of view cities have psychogeographical contours, with constant currents, fixed points and vortexes that strongly discourage entry into or exit from certain zones.
â [[Theory of the DĂ©rive]]
[[Psychogeographers]] advocate the act of becoming lost in the city. This is done through the dĂ©rive, or âdriftâ.
Because purposeful walking has an agenda, we do not adequately absorb certain aspects of the urban world. This is why the drift is essential to psychogeography; it better connects walkers to the city.
- public document at doc.anagora.org/derive
- video call at meet.jit.si/derive