Conversations are the most flexible and adaptive and learnable forms of communication. Without conversations democracy is impossible. Only conversations can explore complex social system.
We will benefit from making useful conversational sequences (recipes) explicit.
digraph { compound=true layout=dot rankdir=LR
node [style=filled shape=circle cfontcolor=black]
label="\n\nConversation Recipies"
1 [label="Coversation Type 1" color=purple fontcolor=white]
2 [label="Result 1" color=orange] 3 [label="Conversation\nType 2"] 4 [label="Result 2"] 5 [label="Conversation\nType n"] 6 [label="blank" style=invis]
1 -> 2 2 -> 3 3 -> 4 4 -> 5 5 -> 6
Contexts for Conversation
Self Dyads Family Friends Neighbors Associations Government (in and with) Business (in and with)
Stakeholder conversations
[[Pattern Language of Conversations]]
Could this group develop the minimal set fo conversation types and then develop tools and methods to enable these conversation types.
Internal Conversations (thinking)
Family Conversations
Friend Conversations
Neighbor Conversations
Could we begin the creation of [[A Pattern Language of Conversational Types]]?
See [[15 P's]]
Conversation for Action
Conversations for Possibilities
Dialogue (from David Bohm, William Issacs, and Glenna Gerard)[ Wikipedia]
Debate [ Wikipedia](disputation [ Wikipedia])
Appreciative conversations
-Care conversations (shared futures)
-Care conversations (shared futures)
-Value conversations
-Priority Conversations
-Idealized Design Conversations
Control conversations
-Policy conversations (constitutions)
-Navigational conversations
-Speculative Conversations
-Creative Conversations
-Planning Conversations
[[Action Conversation]]s
-Proposal conversations
-Negotiation conversations
-COMMITMENT conversations
-Progress conversations
-Breakdown conversations
-Completion conversations
-Apologetic conversations
-Divorce Conversations
SCURM Conversations
-Scrum Master conversations
-Sprint Planning Conversations
-Features conversations
-Daily sprint conversation
-Sprint review conversation
Culpability conversations
Sue Gabriel's Round Table method
Socratic questioning Play Vancouver role playing to explore conflicted situtations
Dimensions of Conversions
Reflection (back in time) Synthesis (forward in time) Analysis (mechanism) Story (sense making) Speculation (forward in time) Revelation (present) Narration (giving voice, reading) Explanation Making noise (avoiding silence and internal awareness) Improvisation (playing with others in harmony) Fighting (defending, fleeing, dominating) Algorithmic exposition (how to) Questioning (explore another)
Time & Place
Point of view (situatedness—time, place, person, culture & language, etc. etc.) Systems (DSRPT, “sub t”--time, dynamics)
Conversational dynamics:
Order, sequence, timing, duration, selection of speakers and listeners.
Role of facilitation and "recipes".
Where are you from?
What’s going on?
How long do we have?
What would you like to talk about?
Are we dealing with the past, future or the present?
What territory are we concerned with?
Are we trying to avoid harm?
To protect ourselves?
Are we trying to build some thing?
With whom?
Who are the stakeholders?
For what time?
What resources do we have?
What resources do we need?
Which stakeholders are ready to start?
What technologies do we want to use?
Who can plan and design enough to get us started?
Will the design work here and now?
Who can build it and who will use it?
- public document at
- video call at