πŸ“š node [[environment]]


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In reinforcement learning, the world that contains the agent and allows the agent to observe that world's state. For example, the represented world can be a game like chess, or a physical world like a maze. When the agent applies an action to the environment, then the environment transitions between states.

πŸ“– stoas
β₯± context
β₯… related node [[2003 07 02 environment canada faq]]
β₯… related node [[positive to negative affect in learning environments]]
β₯… related node [[apple 2022 environmental progress report]]
β₯… related node [[digital environmental footprint legislation]]
β₯… related node [[environment nature]]
β₯… related node [[environment variables]]
β₯… related node [[environmental impact of the web]]
β₯… related node [[environmental impact]]
β₯… related node [[environmental politics]]
β₯… related node [[environmentalism]]
β₯… related node [[for an anti colonial anti racist environmentalism]]
β₯… related node [[generative ai has a ferocious environmental impact]]
β₯… related node [[h t odums environment power and society]]
β₯… related node [[intersection of class politics and environmental politics]]
β₯… related node [[our synthetic environment]]
β₯… related node [[personal learning environment]]
β₯… related node [[planet on fire a manifesto for the age of environmental breakdown]]
β₯… related node [[social and environmental issues are interconnected and inseparable]]
β₯… related node [[socialist states the environment w salvatore engel di mauro]]
β₯… related node [[state socialism is good for the environment]]
β₯… related node [[the built environment alienates us]]
β₯… related node [[the built environment reinforces cultural messages]]
β₯… related node [[the environmental impact of a playstation 4]]
β₯… related node [[vesna manojlovic the environmental impact of internet urgency de growth rebellion]]
β₯… related node [[global environmental change and human security]]
β₯… related node [[global environmental change]]