πŸ“• subnode [[@vera/2021 01 16]] in πŸ“š node [[2021-01-16]]

[[prolertarian culture]]

Who controls the [[fediverse]]?

the [[agora]] promotes [[passive learning]]

I learned that I can read [[research papers]] through [[jstor]] with my [[library card]]

  • Also learned that theres a list of external resources I can use on the library website
  • There is also [[kanopy]] which is a [[netflix]] type of [[streaming video service]] that allows you to watch content by logging in with library card


There is a ton of [[gatekeeping]] for research papers. I blame [[capitalism]]

[[core]] The world’s largest collection of open access research papers

might start using [[pocket]] for research notes. [[firefox]] has a built-in "save to pocket" feature that might be handy for multi-device stuff

  • doesn't work because links are behind paywall, I thought it would download the whole file rather than just have a link. Oh well



[[the weed tube]]

Doing [[independent research]] is a type of meditation. I get a type of [[euphoria]] from engaging

[[calibre]] linux ebook reader

  • [[epub]] is my favorite ebook format

I've been uploading my ebooks to [[private matrix channel]] for later retrieval

  • I don't trust [[cloud storage]] like [[dropbox]], I like to keep personal redundant copies of my data/media

Discovered that [[internet archive]] is a good resource for searching for ebooks

  • pdf to ebook conversion is a bit wonky, which is understable since it's simply [[OCR]] technology


[[notes on the opression of women]]

[[dialectical tension]]


[[preliterate society]]

πŸ“– stoas
β₯± context