πŸ“• subnode [[@vera/2021 01 15]] in πŸ“š node [[2021-01-15]]



Among the many initiatives that are being created at the moment, I want to mention sole-freiburg.de (life and solidarity). Their basic axiom sounds so simple, that it almost hurts: β€œWe help each other, we contribute things or services according to everybody’s possibilities for the benefit of others. We do not keep book on what is given or received.” Imagine how horrible this must sound in the ears of market fetishists.

  • website looks down

[[little lenin]]

  • my roomate often says "I'm not going to be anyones little lenin" I'm waiting on response on what he means by this

Funny video on [[trumper]] using [[queer feminist theory]]

Just realized [[flancian]] auto embeds tweets into [[agora]] via [[twitter]] urls

checked out [[ibuku]]

  • kinda looks like a bunch of white cis people pseudo-colonizing bali I'll have to check it out more
πŸ“– stoas
β₯± context