📕 subnode [[@vera-wiki-anagora-org/assets folder]] in 📚 node [[assets-folder]]

You can upload files to your wiki using the [[About Assets Plugin]]. Drag and drop a file on the plugin (grey area) below to upload a file.

To bring images, or videos into wiki, you can lclik on the link in the assets plugin above to open the file up in a new tab, and then drag the url for this media asset onto the imagine transporter below.

POST https://rest.livecode.world/imagine

Files must end with a recognised media extension like jpg/jpeg/png/gif/mp4 etc for the imagine transport to know what to do with asset files. You may wish to rename files appropriately before uploading them.

How it works

The plugin displays files stored in an assets folder for the current site and sites specified as fork events in the journal of this page.

To provide support for static assets if a site contains an assets directory alongside it's pages it contents will be served under the /assets/ url.

N.B. The server will not create this directory, but will start serving content from it when it becomes available.

Fedwiki home

We are also able to create a new [[Fedwiki Home]] to replace the [[Welcome Visitors]] page.

See also

📖 stoas
⥱ context