source :: cite:kautsky_class_struggle_ch_5
tags :: Karl Kautsky
Kautsky believes that only the working classwill benefit from socialism.
Kautskybelieves that beggars and servants have no interest in seeing the end of capitalism
Kautskybelieves that capitalismhas only expanded the slums
Kautsky#39;s attitude towards classes seems to be one very much in line with classic Marxism that the working classare noble in their own right, by virtue that they are laborers, and anyone else broadly proletarian is a parasite.
Kautskybelieves that capitalismcreated a whole new level of povertyin the world, and that the role philanthropyplays is one of simply social alleviation: poverty creates all kinds of social problems, and philanthropy is there to keep things in order. It does not call for the abolition of the proletariat
The preface of this piece calls this piece a canonical entry into [[file:../20210523164823-orthodox_marxism.org][Orthodox Marxism]], and "orthodoxy" is very much the sense I get from this text. Kautskyis formalizing many of the things Marxand Engelstalk about in their central texts.
The proletariat is, therefore, in a position to form an independent party. It knows how to control its representatives. Moreover, it finds in its own ranks an increasing number of persons well fitted to represent it in legislative halls.
Whenever the proletariat engages in parliamentary activity as a self-conscious class, parliamentarism begins to change its character. It ceases to be a mere tool in the hands of the bourgeoisie. This very participation of the proletariat proves to be the most effective means of shaking up the hitherto indifferent divisions of the proletariat and giving them hope and confidence. It is the most powerful lever that can be utilized to raise the proletariat out of its economic, social and moral degradation.
The proletariat has, therefore, no reason to distrust parliamentary action; on the other hand, it has every reason to exert all its energy to increase the power of parliaments in their relation to other departments of government and to swell to the utmost its own parliamentary representation. Besides freedom of the press and the right to organize, the universal ballot is to be regarded as one of the conditions prerequisite to a sound development of the proletariat.
--- Karl Kautsky
Kautskybelieves that workers should participate in parliamentary action and believes that the state stops being a tool of the bourgeoisiewhen proletarian parties are in control.
Kautsky believes that the socialist struggle must be carried on by a union of socialists and labor organizers.
Kautsky believes in the international character of revolution.
- public document at doc.anagora.org/20210523160231-the_class_struggle_karl_kautsky
- video call at meet.jit.si/20210523160231-the_class_struggle_karl_kautsky