Using org-mode for timeblocking
I used to use [[Goalist]] for [[timeblocking]] / [[hyperscheduling]].
There's lot of unfortunate '10x your productivity' articles around the practice, but I just found it very useful to keep on top of things and for my peace of mind.
Goalist was really great in terms of functionality, but I got annoyed partly that it was proprietary, but mostly that I couldn't sync it and make use of it anywhere else other than on my phone.
So - I'm now trying to use org-mode for timeblocking. I've had one attempt at this before, half-building my own Quasar app that works off an org-mode file ( Never finished it though.
Recently I'm [[trying out org-timeblock]] and [[trying out calfw-blocks]]. There's also org-hyperscheduler which I might look at if the others don't pan out.
To be continued.
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