πŸ“• subnode [[@neil/public land ownership]] in πŸ“š node [[public-land-ownership]]

Public land ownership

Prior to Margaret Thatcher’s election in 1979, public land ownership was the norm rather than the exception in UK cities. From the mid-nineteenth century onwards, municipal governments acquired huge amounts of urban land to reflect their growing importance as providers of infrastructure, housing, and green space.

– [[The Privatisation of Manchester]]

Since the dawn of the neoliberal period in the 1980s, however, public land has been subject to privatisation on a massive scale. In his recent book The New Enclosure, Brett Christophers found that a staggering 10% of Britain’s total landmass has been privatised during this period, equivalent to land worth Β£400 billion.

– [[The Privatisation of Manchester]]

Sell offs

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