img side { идёт после дождя }
Melanocarpa is a [[digital garden]] grown by [[u/bouncepaw]]. It is also a sort of online encyclopedia and a wiki; you can make an account and edit hyphae.
Меланокарпа — [[цифровой сад]], который выращивает [[u/bouncepaw]]. Это также онлайн-энциклопедия и вики: можно создать аккаунт и редактировать гифы.
=> tour_bus_stop | Tour bus stop, автобусная остановка
A big portion of this site is my [[Art]], mostly drawings on paper. Take a look! Also, see the [[Arbres]], the biggest texts here, they might be more interesting than the others.
This website is multilingual, i/e the content is written in English and Russian. When choosing a language for writing, choose the one closer to the topic. Thus, when writing about information technologies, you would probably choose English. In the future, I might want to integrate other languages; perhaps, including those I made up by myself, why not. There is no limit.
This wiki's hyphae are backed up in [[this GitHub repo]].
Visit my complementary website that contains [[my bookmarks]]! See [[Now]].
= Fresh, свежак, freŝa <= fresh | full blend
= Starting points ...under construction since 2022-08-05 21:43:37 UTC
[[push]] [[melanocarpa]]
- extends [[gemtext]]
- but is also breaking backwards compatibility
- public document at
- video call at