During the day Bobby and I ran around and played. Sometimes I felt so happy that I could burst. I danced. I jumped up and down and shook my hips. I couldn’t help it. I was full of joy and life.
At night we always shared the same bed. We snuggled together and we were very cosy and warm.
We had two homes. One was inside our carer’s home. It was great there as we saw and heard lots of things and we could always get attention when we needed it. Such as when our water bottle needed refilling or we were out of nuts or if we just wanted a cuddle.
We grew to like the cuddles. It was like having a massage and it felt really good when we relaxed. We relaxed more when we felt safe and we felt safest with those who had been kind to us.
I don’t know why but I was always braver than Bobby. I was always curious about things like where I was or what something was. I would have to investigate…even things much bigger than myself. I was always first to explore and the others would follow. We would all murmur reassurance to each other and keep our noses close to where the other’s tail would have been (if we had one!)
Me being curious. [http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_jPevP6gWP4A/SjnuI5jtQHI/AAAAAAAAACY/TmnH8-IRKQk/s320/IMG_1623+(Medium).JPG source]
I loved being outside in the summer. Fresh air and grass and the sound of the birds singing to us. Sometimes we would sing along. We always felt safe because our outdoor run was sturdy and no nasty animals could break into it.
There's a big world out there! [http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_jPevP6gWP4A/SjnubBP6XpI/AAAAAAAAACg/khtS2rxL6wE/s320/IMG_1484+(Medium).jpg source]
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