Then one day our whole life changed with no warning. The paw washed our fur. This made us very wet and we smelled different. Then me and my brother were put in another cage with a guinea who was much bigger and stronger than us. We were a bit scared but there were two of us and being smaller we were more nimble.
I noticed that this guinea looked a bit like my brother, Bobby. He was the same colour but with a slightly different hair style. Bobby’s hair was longer like our mum’s.
Me, Bobby and our dad (the big one in the middle.) [ source]
We had nothing to fear. He was very pleased to see us. His name was Zoi and he had been lonely for some time. He told us that when he was our age he had a close friend. He said that Bobby reminded him of her too. And we all thought about our mum and we were very sad.
And then we saw her again. She was in our old cage and our carer placed it next to ours. We shouted and tried to touch each other through the holes in the cages. Our mum told us it was ok and that we would be safe with Zoi as he was our dad. We felt safe then.
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