Daily we grew stronger and braver. We drank our mother’s milk and started to copy our mum as she ate dandelion leaves and nuts. We discovered we couldn’t get very far in any direction. Equally nothing else could get near us and we felt safe. From time to time the same huge paw gave us more food and new bedding.
At first we were wary of the paw. We would run and hide in the dark. Sometimes the paw would lift one of us up. We were very frightened. What if we were to fall? What if the paw would crush us? But we didn’t fall and the paw was very gentle. We learned to trust the paw.
Me on the paw. [http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_jPevP6gWP4A/SjnnrWqEgPI/AAAAAAAAACA/AheJXl7rM4U/s320/Tom+and+hand+(Medium).jpg source]
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