We felt like we were being flushed down a toilet. One minute me and my brothers, Bobby and Furby, were all warm and cosy inside our mummy’s tummy. The next we were all separate. Bobby and I huddled close together. We were scared and we felt safer like that. It was dark but that was good because our eyes had never seen light.
Me as a micro-pig with Bobster (the one with the black head) and our mum . [http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_jPevP6gWP4A/SjnrXnAlDPI/AAAAAAAAACQ/MrJOGulqknA/s320/010108+541+(Medium).jpg source]
Even in the darkness I could see that Furby didn’t look like us. He was smaller and his body didn’t appear round like ours. Our mum ignored him and got on with the job of cleaning up the mess our arrival had created. She was tired. But not too tired to look after us. She snuggled close to us and we felt safe and warm again.
Suddenly a strange huge paw reached in and took Furby away. We never saw him again. We never asked where he had gone.
Next chapter-> [[Tommy's Story Chapter2]]
- public document at doc.anagora.org/tommys-story-chapter1
- video call at meet.jit.si/tommys-story-chapter1