📕 subnode [[@kerry-tries-fed-wiki/observations day 3]] in 📚 node [[observations-day-3]]

There have been some problems with the proliferation of pods. Some teams have many more pods than originally planned - and some are just individuals. This is not great for map creation as then only one perspective and also not good for moral. It also puts a heavy burden on some of the guides who have more maps to facilitate.

Question: How can we best deal with this?

Suggestion: By going meta. By operating at the guide level rather than the pod level. The issue remains that some guides have a bigger ask than others.

There is a huge variation in capacity of students to get this. Some are awesome and it seems they are all together which is an issue. Ideally we would spread the ones that get it to help coach those that don't.

Question: How can we identify the early learners and have them share their skills?

There have been issues for me in terms of how limited I am when I am virtual. I can only see one angle on a room. And I need someone to move me around. The rooms are a long way apart and this means more lost time moving between rooms.

Question: How can we minimise these limitations?

Suggestion: Use Cauzality on the next iteration.

Some further issues were raised in the retro on the 2nd afternoon. The students are maybe getting unrealistic expectations on the way school will be when term starts as it will not be like this.

Question: How can we perpetuate this?

Suggestion: Create an after school club. I have taken the domain names "SeetheSystems.Club and ChangeOurWorld.Club. We can use them.

A further issue would be if the students are not supported to deliver their projects. Then this is just an empty promise.

Question: How can we ensure follow through?


digraph {

    ranksep=.2; size = "7.5,7.5";

rankdir=BT node [shape=circle, fontsize=30] edge [penwidth=2 fontsize=30] ratio=1.5

//edge [style=invis]

node [width=2 style=filled shape=circle fontcolor=black color=black penwidth=3 fillcolor=green1 fixedsize=true]

1 [label="ReLocalize"][fillcolor=lightblue] 2 [label="See\nThe\nSystems"][fillcolor=lightblue] 3 [label="Chage\nOur\nWorld"][fillcolor=lightblue] 4 [label="Systemic\nEntreprenure\nship"][fillcolor=lightblue] 5 [label="Businesses"] 6 [label="Bridge\nProgram"][fillcolor=lightblue] 7 [label="Learning\nCommons"] [fillcolor=lightblue] 8 [label="Curious\nMentors"] 9 [label="Curious\nTeachers"] 10 [label="Curious\nLearners"] 11 [label="System\nExperts\nExplorers"][fillcolor=lightblue] 12 [label="Thriving\nLocal\nCommunity"] 13 [label="FedWiki"][fillcolor=lightblue]

10->6 [label="support"] 9->6[label="support"] 11->{6 1 2 3 4} [label="support"] 8->6[label="support"] 6->4 [label="leads\nto"] 6->3 [label="leads\nto"] 3->5 [label="leads\nto"] 6->2 [label="leads\nto"] 2->3 [label="leads\nto"] 3->12 [label="leads\nto"] 5->12 [label="leads\nto"] 3->4 [label="leads\nto"] 4->5 [label="leads\nto"] 4->12 [label="leads\nto"] 3->1[label="afilliated\nwith"] 4->1[label="afilliated\nwith"] 2->1[label="afilliated\nwith"] 6->1 [label="afilliated\nwith"] 13->7[label="enables"] 7->{ 1 2 3 4 5 6 } [label="support"]


Kerry, this is a pretty messy graph. I distinguish the structures and methods and technology that are brought by ReLocalize and it's subdomains and partners from the community assets.

Each program/structure has its own sub parts, methods, and technologies that can be described. I just wanted to begin a diagram that illustrates what is of the community and what is being added. Each of the blue structures need to become part of communities (by any name or by no name).

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