US Government. [ source]
Christopher Chase's great cartoon of how US government is rigged.
Now need to create a CLD (smile...)
Here is a [[Driver Diagram]].
digraph { ranksep=1; size = "7.5,7.5"; rankdir=BT spline=false node [shape=circle, fontsize=14] edge [penwidth=3 fontsize=20 ] ratio=3.5
//edge [style=invis]
node [width=1.1 style=filled shape=circle fontcolor=black color=black penwidth=3 fillcolor=white fixedsize=true]
//{ rank = same; }
//subgraph cluster1 {7 3} rank=same
1 [label="Citizens\nUnited"] [fillcolor=pink] 2 [label="Fund\nPolitical\nCampaigns"] [fillcolor=pink] 3 [label="Congress"] [fillcolor=lightblue] 4 [label="Big\nBanks"] [fillcolor=red fontcolor=whie] 5 [label="Big\nCorps"][fillcolor=red ] 6 [label="1%"] [fillcolor=red] 7 [label="99%"] [fillcolor=green1] 8 [label="Taxes"] [fillcolor=green1] 9 [label="Social\nPrograms"] [fillcolor=green1] 10 [label="Subsidies\n& Tax\nBreaks"] [fillcolor=red ] 11 [label="Mass\nMedia"] [fillcolor=red]
6 -> 11 [color=red penwidth=20] [label="Owns"] 11 -> 7 [color=red penwidth=7] [label="Manipulates"] 3 -> 10 [color=blue] [label="Unethical"] 3 -> 1 [label="Could\nOverturn"] [color=blue penwidth=20] 10 -> {4 5 6} [color=red][label="Unjustly\nSubsidize"] 9 -> 7 3 -> 8 [label=Set] [color=blue] 3 -> 9 [label="Legislate"][color=blue] 8 -> 9 [label="Invests in"] {4 5 6 } -> 8 [label="Pay" style=dotted penwidth=5 color=red] 7 -> 8 [color=green4 penwidth=7 label="Pay"] 1 -> 2 [color=red penwidth=7] [label="Allows\nCorps"] 2 -> 3 [label="Selects"] [color=red penwidth=20] 3 -> 4 [label="Inadequat\nOversight"][color=blue] //4 -> 3 [color=red] 4 -> 2 [color=red][label="Fund"] 5 -> 2 [color=red][label="Fund"] 3 -> 5 [label="Inadequat\nOversight"][color=blue] //5 -> 3 [color=red] 7 -> 3 [label="Elects"][color=green4 penwidth=20] 6 -> 2 [color=red][label="Fund"] 6 -> 4 [color=red ] [label="Owns"] 4 -> 6 [color=red] [label="Profits"] 6 -> 5 [color=red ] [label="Owns"] 5 -> 6 [color=red] [label="Profits"]
The parts of this diagram include: [[99%]], [[1%]], [[Citizens United]], [[Fund Political Campaigns]], [[Congress]], [[Big Banks]], [[Big Corps]], [[Mass Media]], [[Taxes]], and [[Social Programs]].
In the US there are two critical leverage points in the system of national, state, and large metropolitan governments. Once these two are rectified, subsidies and taxes can be made fair for all and social programs can support innovation and provide safety nets for everyone.
They are 1) overturn [[Citizens United]] and 2) breakup mass media conglomerates and wholly owned news outlets, including the "social media" giants.
News and information must not be manipulated to maximize profit--truth sacrificed to the highest bidder.
Congress has the power to do both of these. Apparently 2/3 of states must agree to amend the constitution to overturn Citizens United.
Citizens must take back control of selecting as well as electing their representatives. All of thes process must become [[ethical systems]]--with more truth, variety, transparency and integrity.
It is the beginning of a story of citizens awakening, regaining power, and taking democratic control of their governments.
- public document at
- video call at