📕 subnode [[@jonathan/nordbrücke]]
in 📚 node [[nordbrücke]]
talked about
- [[A Pattern Language]]
- [[category theory]]
- [[utopoi]]
- [[mfo park]]
- [[architecture]]
- [[sufirave]]
- [[music]]
- [[Agora]]
- [[stoa]]
- [[roam]]
- [[sarna con gusto no pica]]
- [[chupate esa mandarina]]
[[seven sketches]] an introductory book on category theory from a unique applied perspective
- At Cambridge University Press: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/an-invitation-to-applied-category-theory/D4C5E5C2B019B2F9B8CE9A4E9E84D6BC
- ArXiv free version: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1803.05316.pdf
- Pirated final version: http://library.lol/main/C61E1736381D70DB2E3EE27829D00012
- MIT course on category theory and programming (bridging the math and programming ways of speaking) http://www.brendanfong.com/programmingcats.html
[[seven sketches]] an introductory book on category theory from a unique applied perspective
📖 stoas
- public document at doc.anagora.org/nordbrücke
- video call at meet.jit.si/nordbrücke