📕 subnode [[@jakeisnt/getting things done]] in 📚 node [[getting-things-done]]

What you'll wish you'd known

  • It's hard to decide what job you want
  • You don't learn in high school waht to do with your life
  • Work forward from promising situations rather than working backwards from a goal: this ensures that you're using your time efficiently!
  • 'Stay upwind' -> 'work on hard problems'. Treat school like a day job, work at your passions at night. You're wasting far too much time agonizing and procrastinating anyways.

Start working despite not feeling like it

How to Use the the "2-Minute Rule" to Stop Procrastinating Procrastination is about managing emotions, not time | Hacker News https://www.deprocrastination.co/blog/3-tricks-to-start-working-despite-not-feeling-like-it

  • 'Screw it, let's do it'
  • Start sloppy
  • Start small

how do you self study? having 'grit' how to remember what you read: implement some of these strategies !! Five whys - Wikipedia A Step by Step Guide to Life Prioritization - Tynan Getting Boxes Done Ask HN: How do you develop internal motivation? | Hacker News

how to do hard things


  • find something similar to the hard thing but easy
  • modify the easy thing to have exacly one thing that is hard
  • do modified thing until it is no longer hard

circle of competence mindset

Understanding your Circle of Competence: How Warren Buffett Avoids Problems -…

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