📕 subnode [[@jakeisnt/2023 10 21]] in 📚 node [[2023-10-21]]
  • Saturday, 10/21/23 ** 10:53 Saying no is an act of love. Yes is "whatever", "it's fine", "I agree"; "no" is "I care enough to correct you", it's "I believe in this mission and think something else should be prioritized" ** 13:14 It's become pretty clear that an AI service will become a giant, a huge company, a Stripe or a Google.

The strategy is airtight -- big data and effective AI systems require lots of fast, large-scale data processing, so the players with the most computers and the most money will have the most power.

As a consumer, the only way for you to access a state-of-the-art AI system is to pay for the one that has downloaded and vectorized most of the world.

As an individual developer, I have no idea where I fit anymore. The clear answer here - to me - is to fold into a big company if I want to work on innovative tech.

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